Sunday, November 22, 2009

Final Catcher Blog - Seminar Question

In what ways does Holden represent the views of every teenager in our society today? How do his views differ from those of teenagers today?

Feelings of depression, anxiety, isolation, and confusion, the want to rebel, a negative attitude towards everything, and a deep hatred for conforming - Aren't these all feelings that some people have during their teenage years? Holden has many of these same feelings and shows them throughout the book. He always talks about things the depress him, gets nervous about random things like not making it across the street, feels isolated from the world, and gets confused about the things he sees on his little adventure through New York. He also has a rotten attitude about nearly everything, wants to rebel from his school and even parents, and also despises conformity. Strangely, these thoughts are very similar to those of many teenagers today, but there is one difference...

Holden may share some of the same views as many teenagers today, but his views are more extreme. One can clearly tell that something is wrong with Holden because of all of his mood swings and how he gets upset or depressed about the smallest things. Normal teenagers do share the same feelings as Holden, but don't voice them or show them nearly as much as Holden does. Holden is very extreme in his views and he even gets sick sometimes when he sees something "phony" or something he doesn't agree with. Holden may have some of the same thoughts and feelings as teenagers today, but MOST teenagers today aren't driven crazy to the point of a mental breakdown like Holden is often times in the book.

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